I. To provide an environment of Biblical, Christian faith that nurtures Christian values and respect for authority, Christian manliness, a Biblical self-image, and desire for a lifetime spent in Christian service.
II. In every area of life, whether, religious, social, athletic, musical, work-related, and extracurricular, the individual is challenged and encouraged to nurture respect, self-discipline and leadership.
At New Beginnings Ministries, we accept men from all over the country.
Our first emphasis is each individual’s spiritual needs. We are convinced more than ever that Christ meets every need and our goal is to point these lives to Him. We believe that through Jesus Christ they can overcome their addictions, mend broken relationships, and get their lives on the right path. Our Creator has provided the answer to man’s basic needs of love, forgiveness, and acceptance in His Word.
The King James Bible is our text book for spiritual direction.
It provides Scriptural principles to confront all of life’s problems. II Peter 1:3 “… (God) hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”
We offer a place of refuge that allows our residents to get away from the negative influences on their life and have a “new beginning.” Our program provides a combination of spiritual guidance, Biblical teaching, hard work, and a healthy, loving atmosphere to help develop character and provide a foundation for a successful future.